PF 反擊式破碎機(jī) PF Impact Crusher
一、 産品簡介 Product Description
PE 反擊式破碎機是一種利用沖擊能來破碎物料的破碎(suì)機械 , 當物料進入闆錘作用區時 , 受到闆錘的高速(sù)沖擊(jī)而破(pò)碎 , 并被抛向安裝在轉子上方的反擊裝置再次受到撞擊破(pò)碎 , 然後又從反擊襯(chèn)闆上彈回(huí)到闆錘作(zuò)用區重新破碎。此過程重複(fú)進行 , 直(zhí)到物(wù)料破碎至所需粒度 , 由機器下部排出爲止。調整反擊架與轉(zhuǎn)子(zǐ)架之間(jiān)的間隙可達到改變物料出料(liào)粒度和物(wù)料形狀的(de)目的。本系(xì)列産品分(fèn)爲(wèi)采礦、水泥 , 混疑土工業用三大類(lèi)。适用于粗破(pò)之後的二級破碎 , 可爲高等級公路、水利、機場、建築等行業生産優質石料。
PE series impact crusher uses impact energy to crush material. The electric motor drives the rotor to rotate fast where installed plate hammers impact materials with high speed. The materials are rebounded from the impact liner to the plate hammers to be crushed again, and then discharged from discharging outlet. The purpose is to change the size and shape of material by adjusting the gap between impact rack and rotor support.
二、 産品特點(diǎn) Product Features
·高效節能 : 維修方便 , 操作簡單可靠。
·轉子運轉穩定 , 與主軸無間連接(jiē)。
·高鉻(gè)闆錘 , 獨特的反擊襯闆 , 壽命長。
·成(chéng)品(pǐn)形狀呈立方體 , 粒形較好 , 排料粒度(dù)大小可調 , 簡(jiǎn)化(huà)破碎流程。
· High efficiency and energy saving, convenient maintenance, easy and reliable operation.
· Stable rotor vibration, ke yless connection with main shaft.
· High-chromium plate hammer. uni que counterattack lining, long service life.
· Cubic finished product without tension cracks, good grai n shape, adaptable granularity, and simple crushing circuit.
一、 技術參(cān)數 Technical Data
Model |
轉子大小Specification |
進料口(kǒu)尺寸Feed Opening
Size |
最大(dà)進料粒度Max.Feed Size |
Capacity |
Power |
Weight |
Dimension |
(mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (t/h) | (kw) | (t) | (L×W×H)(mm) | |
PF-1007 | Φ1000×700 | 800×700 | 300 | 24-45 | 55 | 9.5 | 2400×1558×2200 |
PF-1010 | Φ1000×1050 | 1170×720 | 350 | 50-80 | 75 | 10 | 2520×1900×2200 |
PF-1210 | Φ1250×1050 | 1090×465 | 350 | 80-130 | 110 | 14 | 2638×2053×2810 |
PF-1214 | Φ1250×1400 | 1440×465 | 350 | 100-160 | 132 | 18 | 2580×2400×2810 |
PF-1315 | Φ1300×1500 | 1532×560 | 350 | 140-200 | 200 | 19.3 | 3007×2748×2556 |
PF-1316 | Φ1300×1600 | 1690×859 | 350 | 150-220 | 200 | 19.5 | 3096×2850×2667 |
PF-1320 | Φ1300×2000 | 2030x800 | 325 | 280-320 | 400 | 29.7 | 3280x3200×2613 |
PF-1515 | Φ1450×1500 | 1580x850 | 350 | 220-280 | 315 | 28.3 | 3550×2835×3217 |