MR 轉子離心式制砂機 MR Rotor Centrifugal Crusher
一(yī)、 産品簡介(jiè) Product Description
MR 轉子離心式破碎機是一款配有立軸的(de)高性能破碎機 , 它(tā)适用于所有(yǒu)類型的礦(kuàng)物破碎和整形 : 從(cóng)軟(ruǎn)質物料到硬質物料 , 無論是低磨損還是(shì)極高(gāo)磨損的材質。物(wù)料中(zhōng)的每個顆粒在(zài)雙腔式轉子中高速(sù)旋轉 , 然後甩向固定(dìng)的反擊闆 , 反擊(jī)闆可由環形襯闆或由砂床組(zǔ)成 , 通過轉子和殼體的寬大尺寸設計在很大程度 , 避免了堵塞。而且該款制(zhì)砂機大的優勢是整個轉子無焊接部分(fèn) ,; 所有耐磨防護爲單(dān)個可更換的易提件 ., 與多腔式設計相比(bǐ) , MR 轉子離心式破碎機(jī)采用的雙腔式轉子中輸送的空氣更少 , 降低了能耗 , 所節省(shěng)的能量可(kě)用于提高(gāo) , 産能 , 同時也降低了(le)除塵(chén)裝置的功(gōng)率 , 雙(shuāng)腔式轉子具有開放(fàng)式結構設計 , 從而允(yǔn)許出料口的可(kě)用尺寸達到(dào)最大 ( 每側 89" ), 這樣顯(xiǎn)著地降低了物料堵塞的風險 , 在 MR 雙(shuāng)腔式轉子中沿破碎腔會形成一個物料(liào)層 , 可作爲自身磨損保護。與傳統型(xíng)轉子相比 , 所需磨損件比例降至最小 .
MR rotor centrifugal crusher is a high performance of vertical crusher. it applies to all types of mineral crushing and shaping: material from soft to hard material. the material of both low wear and high wear. Each particle in the material in the high speed rotating rotor double cavity, slammed to counterattack plate fixed. Counterattack plate can be made of annular plate or consists of a sand bed. Through the large size of the rotor and shell design to a great extent, to avoid the jams. And the big advantage is the whole rotor system sand machine welding parts, all wear protection for a single replaceable parts.Compared with multiple cavity design, MR rotor centrifugal crusher with double cavity of the rotor in the conveying air less and to reduce the energy consumption and save energy can be used to increase production capacity, but also reduce the power of the dust removal device.Double rotor cavity with open architecture design, allowing the discharging mouth of the maximum available size (89) on each side. This significantly reduce the risk of material jam.In MR double rotor cavity along the crushing cavity can form a layer of material, can be used as its own wear protection. Compared with the traditional rotor. the wear ratio fell to a minimum.
二、 産品特點 Product Features
·高品質的最終産品生産優質立方(fāng)體型産品 , 利用離心力使進料(liào)的每個顆粒在轉子中獲得極大的加速度 , 物(wù)料抛出後與破碎闆碰撞。通過強大的沖擊力可使(shǐ)最終産品獲得(dé)極其理想的立方體(tǐ)形狀。
·質量穩定的最終産品即使設備在運行中不斷地産生磨損 , 也絲毫不會影響物料的(de)破碎(suì)效果。其系統特性能夠避免物料破碎時産生(shēng)随機效應。這 1 也是 MR 轉子離心式(shì)破碎機不同于(yú)其它傳統破碎技術的特點 .
·有針對性的選擇性破碎通讨對(duì)每個物料顆粒針對性的沖擊(jī)破碎(suì) , 使低強度成分的物料比高強度成分物料更容易被(bèi)破碎。這樣便可以(yǐ)有目的地去除掉(diào)易被破碎部分(fèn)的物料 , 從而(ér)顯(xiǎn)著提(tí)高最終産品的質(zhì)量 ( 磨耗值、抗凍性 ) 。對于由不(bú)同強(qiáng)度的成分組成的原礦及工(gōng)業用礦物 . 可得到最大教量的最(zuì)終産品 .
• High quality of the final product Produce the high quality cubic shape products,Use centrifugal force to make every feeding grain get the great accelerated speed The casted materials crush with crushing plate.
• The quality stable's final product Even if the equipment in operation cause abrasion continually, also doesn't affect the material's crush effect. The system features can avoid the random-effects by material crushing . This is Mr rotor centrifugal crusher's technology characteristics different from other traditional's.
• Targeted selective crushing For each material particles through targeted shock crushing,The low intensity component materials is easier crushed then high intensity component.in this way.it can remove the easy crushing part's materials on purpose,thus,significantly improve the quality of the final product(wear value.freezing resistance).For the different intensity of components of ores and industrial minerals. Can get the largest number's final product.
The annular plate structure / 環(huán)形襯闆
·适用于使用中硬、中等磨耗性物(wù)料生(shēng)産立方型骨料和制砂 , 例如使(shǐ)用礫石、石灰石、白雲岩、輝綠岩、玄武岩、安山岩、碎磚(zhuān)塊、水泥熟料等(děng) .
·回收利用瀝青和無鋼筋的(de)混凝土塊等建築垃圾 . 中等磨(mó)耗的(de)礦渣、工業礦 .
• It is suitable for medium abrasion resistance material production cubic stone and sand making, such as Gravel limestone. dolomite. diabase, basalt, andesite. brick bat cement clinker etc.
• Selective crushing mud gravel and other conglomerate , medium abrasion resistance material of slag and industrial mineral, topsoil, etc.
• Recycling asphalt , unreinforced concrete block and construction waste. etc.
The sand bed structure/ 砂(shā)床結構
·适(shì)用于使用高磨耗性物料生産立方型骨料和制砂 , 例(lì)如使用礫石、花崗岩、斑岩、片麻(má)岩、雜砂岩、石英石等 .
·破碎高磨耗性物料 , 例如 : 鋁釩土、矽鐵、磨料、玻璃等。
·有選搔地(dì)破碎例如來自鋼鐵廠、焚燒爐等的礦渣 .
• It is suitable for high abrasion resistance material production cubic stone and sand making, such as Gravel, granite and porphyry, gneiss, miscellaneous sandstone, quartz, etc .
• Crushing high abrasion materials, such as Aluminium vanadium and soil. ferrosilicon , abrasive , glass, etc
• Selectively crushing slag from steel plant, incinerator etc.
三、 技術參數 Technical Data
Model |
Rotor Size |
Speed |
Feed Size |
Through ability |
Power |
Weight |
Dimension |
D×H(mm) | (m/s) | (mm) | (t/h) | (kw) | (t) | (L×W×H)(mm) | |
MR0913 | Φ930×135 | 60-89 | 45-56 | 30-75 | 75-160 | 7.5 | 3950×2400×2355 |
MR0922 | Φ930×220 | 60-89 | 56-70 | 30-90 | 90-160 | 7.8 | 3950×2400×2355 |
MR1222 | Φ1200×220 | 60-89 | 80-100 | 100-400 | 160-400 | 12.1 | 5080×2860×2675 |
MR1233 | Φ1200×330 | 60-89 | 80-150 | 200-400 | 200-400 | 13.5 | 5080×2980×2825 |