高壓磨粉機系列 High Pressure Mill Series
一、 産品簡介 Product Description
高壓懸(xuán)輥磨粉機适用于研磨重晶石、石灰石、陶瓷、礦渣等莫氏(shì)硬度(dù)不大于 9.3 級,濕度在 6% 以下(xià)的非易燃易爆的物料。該設備适用于礦山、冶金、化工、建材等行業 280 多種物料的(de)高細制粉(fěn)加工,成品(pǐn)粒度在 80-425 目範圍(wéi)調節(最細可達 800 目)。
High Pressure Suspension mill is mainly made up of the mainframe, separator, blower, finished powder cyclone collector, bag filter and connecting pipes, etc.It can produce powder from various non-flammable and non-explosive mineral materials with Mohs hardness below 9.3 and humidity below 6%, such as barite, limestone, kaolnite, ceram and slags, etc. The Product size is adjustable in the range of 80-425 mesh. It is possible to produce 30-80 mesh coarse powder through special device in the machine if necessary.
二、 技術參數 Technical Data
Model |
Roller Number |
磨輥尺寸Roller Size(mm) |
Max .Feeding Size (mm) |
Size of finished product (mm) |
Capacity(t/h) |
Host Power (KW) |
風機 功率
Blower Power (KW) |
Dimension (L×W×H)(mm) |
YGM7815 | 3 | 260×150 | 15-20 | 0.613-0.045 | 0.28-3 | 18.5 | 15 | 4300×3500×5100 | |
YGM8314 | 3 | 270×140 | 15-20 | 0.613-0.045 | 0.35-3.4 | 22 | 22 | 5300×4100×5200 | |
YGM9517 | 4 | 310×170 | 15-25 | 0.613-0.045 | 1.5-6.5 | 37 | 37 | 7100×5900×7900 | |
YGM4121 | 5 | 410×210 | 15-25 | 0.613-0.045 | 3-12 | 75 | 75 | 7850×8000×9700 | |
YGM160 | 6 | 440×270 | 15-35 | 0.613-0.045 | 5-20 | 132 | 132 | 12550×5700×8350 |
工作過(guò)程 Working Principle
YGM系列高壓磨粉機内,磨輥吊架上緊固有l000一(yī)l500公斤壓力的高(gāo)壓彈簧。開始工作後,磨輥圍繞(rào)主軸(zhóu)旋轉,并在高壓彈簧與離(lí)心力的(de)作川下,緊貼磨環滾動,其滾動壓力比(bǐ)同等(děng)動力條件下的雷蒙磨粉機高20%,故産量大爲提高。當被磨物料進入磨腔(qiāng)後,由鏟刀鏟起送入(rù)磨輥與磨環之間進行碾壓(yā),碾壓後(hòu)的粉末随(suí)鼓風(fēng)機的循環(huán)風帶入分析機,合格細粉随氣流入旋風集粉器即爲成品,大顆粒物粒(lì)落(luò)後重(zhòng)磨。循環風返回鼓風機(jī)再重複以(yǐ)上過程,餘風則(zé)進入袋(dài)式除塵器淨(jìng)化。 當磨輥與磨環達到一定磨(mó)損後,調整高壓(yā)彈簧(huáng)長度,保持磨輥與磨環之間恒定碾壓力,從而保證穩定的産量與細度。
The whole structure of this machine consists of main engine, air blower ,size analyzer, cyclone collector , bag-type dust filter and pipeline,etc.which, if required,can be selectively equipped with elevator, electromagnetic vibrating feeder, crusher, electric cabinet, etc,. Having been crushed into the desired size ,and delivered to the hopper by bucket elevator, materials will be fed evenly and continuously by the vibrating feeder into the grinding chamber for powder-processing. Then the shovel scoops up the materials to the space between roller and ring,in which the grinding roller rotates itself as well as around the vertical axis, and then presses the grinding ring closely due to centrifugal force to accomplish the grinding. Fine powders will be carried to cyclone collector by the blower after analyzing, and then piped out as the finished products. Rough materials will be recycled into the grinding chamber by the air for regrinding. The materials may contain some moisture, and the pipeline joints are not absolutely airtight, therefore the external air might be sucked in , which will disturb the air circulation balance but can be achieved through adjusting air pipe between the air blower and the main engine. In this way, the superfluous air current will be channeled into the bag-type dust filter which will collect powder carried by the air and discharge the superfluous air after being purified.
Name |
處理量(liàng)Capacity(t/h) | ||||||||
1.5-6.5 | 3-12 | 5-20 | |||||||
Model |
(kw) |
Model |
(kw) |
Model |
(kw) |
Main engine |
主機 Host machine | YGM9517 | 37 | YGM4121 | 75 | YGM160 | 132 | ||
分析機 Analytical engine | YGM9517 | 5.5 | YGM4121 | 7.5 | YGM160 | 11 | |||
風機 Draught fan | YGM9517 | 37 | YGM4121 | 75 | YGM160 | 132 | |||
輔機(jī)部分 Auxiliary Machines | YGM9517 | YGM4121 | YGM160 | ||||||
除塵部分Dust removing equipment | YGM9517 | YGM4121 | YGM160 | ||||||
Controller equipment |
颚式破碎機 Jaw Crusher | PE200×350 | 7.5 | PE200×400 | 15 | PE250×750 | 22 | ||
提升機 Bucket Elevator | 3 | 4 | 4 | ||||||
給料機(jī) Feeder | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 | ||||||
Eontroller Cabinet |
專用 Special use | YGM9517 | 90.2 | YGM4121 | 176.7 | YGM9517 | 301.2 |
1、 颚(è)式破碎機 Jaw Crusher
2、 提升機 Bucket Elevator
3、 料倉 Storage Silo
4、 主機 High Pressure Micro-Powder Grinder
5、 風機 Blower
6、 集粉器(qì)Powder Collector
7、 除塵器Filter
8、 管道部分Piping Device